Monday, 18 March 2013

Overnight Rain

Pukawa has now had a total of 20mls after 12mls of overnight rain.
The sky is looking lighter so the rain may be over but while the weather glass remains low I can be hopeful for more to come.

Sunday, 17 March 2013

Pukawa Rain

We did get 5mls of light rain yesterday and another 3mls over night but it is once again very hot with a lot of blue sky showing. Each afternoon sees the temperature rising above thirty degrees so the moisture evaporates very quickly. Hopefully we will get the predicted rain this afternoon.

Mice & Rat Movement

After several months of little activity in our traps we have suddenly had a number of rat kills indicating that the rats are moving prior to Winter. Protect your house and buildings over Easter to save yourself heart-ache from Winter damage. I have caught two mice this week and they can cause damage inside the house and seem able to squeeze in through the smallest hole.