Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Overnight rain.

It is quietly raining this morning after 20mls of overnight rain, a most welcome rain. Still very calm and quite warm outside, great growing weather if it doesn't turn cold.

Peaceful Pukawa

It has been a very still quiet day making me wonder if it is the calm before the storm.
I have great faith in my barometer which always drops prior to bad weather especially wind but it has remained static for the last few days. Tonight northerly winds were predicted for this area and it has to be wide spread rain for Pukawa to receive any, actually a  good downpour would be welcome as we are well below our average rainfall.

Thursday, 29 August 2013

Salted meat

This method is used with great success in the South Island in areas that are only visited twice a year. The meat keeps well and seems not to become flyblown as happens with some products. Rock salt can be bought from Farm Suppliers. Venison meat or rabbits works well.
Layer salt in bottom of container.
Cover with one layer of meat, small peices, cover with a good layer of salt, add another layer of meat, then salt until the container is full. Cover and leave for some weeks. Place in trap boxes or suspend from the lid on fine wire.
Let me know if it works or you.


Sunday, 16 June 2013

Soaking Rain

It is not often in Pukawa that we wake to rain and go to bed at night with it still raining but that happened on Sunday 16th. Very steady rain all day but I haven't heard of any problems in our area. The rain gauge contained 67 mls over 24hrs, but the bush can always soak it up.
Friday 14th was the coldest day I have known this Winter, I doubt that it rose above 4 degrees.
Oh well they say you have to have the bad to appreciate the good and the birds are still singing.

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Wasp Trap Picture.

I have been amazed at how active my wasp trap was in twenty four hours, there must be a nest close by. Some of the wasps were large too, queen wasp size but we don't usually see them until about June. Even nature is mixed up due to the strange weather patterns.
The packet is what you purchase, it holds four fittings I call them daisies. I tried green and brown bottles but found the firmer plastic difficult to handle, the lemonade bottle worked just fine for me. I can really recommend this product, great for the kids too, older ones could follow the instructions.  Give it a go.

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Wasp Trap

There is a new wasp trap on the market that can be purchased from Palmers garden centre in Taupo so I am sure it would be available in other branches as well.
It comes in a packet which contains four daisy shaped pieces. You can use a lemonade bottle or similiar and by cutting a plus shape about three quarters of the way up the bottle the daisy fits into the cut, one each side, instructions on the packet. The centre of the daisy is the opening. I poured two cans of beer into my bottle, tied a string around the neck and hung it by a peice of wire from a camellia bush. This I did about mid-day and late afternoon decide to see check it  and was amazed to find I had caught about 11 wasps, drowned in the beer.
Palmers have assured me that their trap which has been out for some weeks has never caught a bee,  they just don't seem to enter the opening.
This seems to be a winner, do look for one in your garden centre as it is so simple to set up.

Monday, 15 April 2013

Wonderful Rain

We have had a wonderful overnight rain and it is still misty rain so remaining damp.  The wind direction is swinging round from North to East but I am hopeful that we may get a little more.

Monday, 18 March 2013

Overnight Rain

Pukawa has now had a total of 20mls after 12mls of overnight rain.
The sky is looking lighter so the rain may be over but while the weather glass remains low I can be hopeful for more to come.

Sunday, 17 March 2013

Pukawa Rain

We did get 5mls of light rain yesterday and another 3mls over night but it is once again very hot with a lot of blue sky showing. Each afternoon sees the temperature rising above thirty degrees so the moisture evaporates very quickly. Hopefully we will get the predicted rain this afternoon.

Mice & Rat Movement

After several months of little activity in our traps we have suddenly had a number of rat kills indicating that the rats are moving prior to Winter. Protect your house and buildings over Easter to save yourself heart-ache from Winter damage. I have caught two mice this week and they can cause damage inside the house and seem able to squeeze in through the smallest hole.

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Continuing Drought

The dry continues, the bush is beginning to look stressed and it is difficult to keep the garden going.  Water restrictions are in place 6-8 am and pm on alternate days, we must keep to these restrictions as the lake level is low. It is possible to walk around the lake edge to Omori at present and the rocks on the Pukawa Point make a good fishing spot.
Speaking of fishing the Pukawa Stream has been fishing extremely well after dark.  If nightime fishing appeals you are sure to be rewarded.
Easter would be a good time to prepare for the invasion of rats and mice who move into buildings in the Autumn, mice are already being caught in houses.
The birds have gone quiet, little wonder in the heat. The highest temperature I recorded was 40 degrees with 38 degrees common, even yesterday it was 35 degrees but the nights are cooler and signs of Autumn are appearing.

Monday, 11 February 2013

The Tall Trees of Pukawa.

Who would embrace the earth?
As we do.
Brothers and sisters all.
Standing shoulder to shoulder.
In times past, from the mountains to the sea.
Giants are we, and remnants of Giants.
Our once proud march challenged by none.
Who would embrace the earth, speak to the stars, and count
the rising and setting of the sun and the moon?
Who would know of these things if not us?
Children of Man, you are so often wilful and destructive and ignorant.
From whence shall you draw you wisdom if not from us?
Will you listen to the voice of the wind?
Does it not sing loudly enough in our branches?
If you cannot hear that song then surely the grass must whisper in vain.
Grow into your wisdom, for that is your purpose.
Grow into your wisdom and open your hearts.
Speak to the tall trees and we will tell you many things.
For we are Brothers and Sisters all
And we share the way.


Sunday, 3 February 2013


We had a wonderful steady rain this morning, 15 mls in the rain gauge.
It has cleared now, blowing a little but hopefully we may get more rain overnight.

Friday, 1 February 2013

Quiet Birds

Our birds have gone quiet, little wonder in this heat. Few birds are seen flying and the quail who still come in to be fed quickly seek the shade.
Bush fire is an ever present concern. The undergrowth crinkles beneath my boots as I walk in the bush, tinder dry, we all need to be watchful to prevent fires.

Bizarre weather

The hottest day in Pukawa has reached 40 degrees, frequently 38 and 39 degrees have been reached but what is so strange is that we had two consecutive nights of 7 degrees and 5 degrees. I have never experienced such a swing in temperatures.