Friday, 4 November 2011

Wild and Windy

Nov 5th 2011
It has been wild and windy over the last few days, the lake looks ruffled and uninviting so the fisherman are not missing out.
The Council were in yesterday mowing the grass so Pukawa now looks neat and tidy.
There have been some quite magnificent kowhai trees flowering, some for the first time, in many places the ground is yellow with fallen petals.

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

First Response Ambulance

The First Response Ambulance has been called to Pukawa several times since it came into service.
The vehicle in use, while doing a life saving job has shown to be under powered for rural requirements and so fund raising efforts are on going to raise enough to update to a more powerful model.
Over ten thousand dollars has now been raised but we can all help in quite simple ways, --do you have a pot of jam or chutney for their upcoming market day.
We will keep you informed of their find raising ideas as they are most exciting and will be lots of fun.