Sunday 25 December 2011

Rata Tree History

We have learnt that there are five known rata trees growing in the settlement, three at the back of two properties in Kaiurur Ave, one in Hauraki Tce as  you drive up the hill and the fifth at the top of Hauraki Tce on the south side of Stent Way. All these trees were grown from cuttings taken for a rata tree growing in the New Plymouth Domain.  Like any flowering tree they seem to flower best on alternative years, and are a great source of food for the birds and the bees.

Wednesday 21 December 2011


One of our new self setting Henry possum traps had two possums lying dead at the base of the tree this week while  a second trap (we only have four) had killed one possum.
Two possums were caught in the settlement last week also so  the signs indicate a build up of their numbers.
Should you hear one at night or suspect that you may have one we can set a safe cage on your section.
Sixteen possums have been caught this month, the highest number every recorded.

Flowering Rata Trees.

Two rata trees growing on the boundary between number 7 Kaiuru Avenue and number 17 Te Kuru Lane are flowering. Best veiwed from Te Kuru Lane  the flowers are visible high up on the trees. Speaking to others it does not seem to be known that there were any rata growing in the settlement so we would welcome comments if it is known of any others .

Stent Way Staircase.

There are now barriers in place in the Stent Way staircase making it safe for all age groups to climb from Kaiurur Ave up to Hauraki Terrace or to come down from the top..
Parents with children will welcome these barriers and older folk feel much safer.
We thank the TDC for their action just in time for the holiday traffic.

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Tree Names.

Several of the trees planted during the children's planting day in the Arbor Day corner now have named tree signs beside them. This will help not only children but also adults to name various species.
Our thanks go to the TDC for arranghing these.

Pukawa Weather

Once again Pukawa has missed the very heavy rain but it has been wet for three days, mostly gentle falling rain. It has almost changed the landscape as all the leaves are hanging down on the trees making the bush and settlement look so different.  The rain will be wonderful for the bush especially the ferns growing under the trees but alas all the quail chicks will have died.
I opened the door this morning to hear the lake roaring in, an Easterly, not the weather to be thinking of launching you boat from the Pukawa ramp.

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Omori's Robin

Yes, Omori have frequently seen a robin in the bush between the Omori Stream and the Omori ramp.
This is great news, perhaps there are more around than we believed.
The importance of having corridors of bush is highlighted by this discovery.
Dec 7th 2011

Turangi Art & Food Festival 2012

All artists and food lovers are invited to take part in this festival at Easter 6-8 April 2012.

This is an early reminder of the date.
View their website: or contact Anja Hambach at

This event was greatly enjoyed by all this year.

Friday 4 November 2011

Wild and Windy

Nov 5th 2011
It has been wild and windy over the last few days, the lake looks ruffled and uninviting so the fisherman are not missing out.
The Council were in yesterday mowing the grass so Pukawa now looks neat and tidy.
There have been some quite magnificent kowhai trees flowering, some for the first time, in many places the ground is yellow with fallen petals.

Tuesday 1 November 2011

First Response Ambulance

The First Response Ambulance has been called to Pukawa several times since it came into service.
The vehicle in use, while doing a life saving job has shown to be under powered for rural requirements and so fund raising efforts are on going to raise enough to update to a more powerful model.
Over ten thousand dollars has now been raised but we can all help in quite simple ways, --do you have a pot of jam or chutney for their upcoming market day.
We will keep you informed of their find raising ideas as they are most exciting and will be lots of fun.

Monday 31 October 2011

Oreti News Flash Ist Oct 2011

A French Chef was met at the Auckland Airport today and driven back to Oreti.
Once he has settle in we shall look forward to tasting his dishes.
Watch this space.(:-)

Golden Pheasant.

Yes, he is still around, the golden pheasant was seen flying down near the bottom of Kaiuru Ave.
Pheasants fly very low and for only a very short distance but there is not mistaking the long flowing tail.
It is believed that this bird was originally kept by people on the Omori Road, who had a variety of different birds and animals. The birds would be released from their cages during the day and housed again at night when they were fed, only this adventurous pheasant took off to explore the countryside. It is quite amazing that he has survived for several years.

Wednesday 26 October 2011

October 26th 2011

A magnitude 5.2 earthquake was felt at 8.32pm. on 26th October.
Depth 110 km
Position: 20 ks north west of Turangi..

This shake was not felt at Pukawa.  Luckily for us it was quite deep.

Labour Day Week-end

The weather for the long week-end was very mixed indeed but some fishermen were able to launch their boats.. There seemed less houses occupied than is usual for a long week-end but with the new school term commencing immediately after, some parents were have prefered to stay at home.
The final of the World Cup well,  have we ever had so much suspence in a game before. Full credit to the team who kept their cool giving us something to be very proud of.  It has been a great event and New Zealand can be proud of our efforts, I am sure tourist would go home planning another visit to see more of our country.

Monday 17 October 2011

October 18th 2011

Pukawa so far this month has experienced 158mls of rain. It has fallen over a number of weeks so the bush and ferns will benefit but sadly it ruins the flower kowhais and is not good for nesting birds, especially  ground nesting birds.
So far we have not seen any quail chicks who are always the casualties in wet weather.