Thursday 22 March 2012

No news

I have fallen behind in reporting on my blog, but do remember that no news is good news.(:-)
Pukawa once again missed the big blow that caused so much damage from Taupo north. I personally witnessed the damage on Tuesday as I travelled to Rotorua and on arriving back found Taupo shops in darkness with many closed due to the power failure. Wondering what I would find at Pukawa I reached home to find Russ and his friend returning from a walk in the sunshine with only a gentle breeze blowing, we never lost the power here either.
On Wednesday night however we did have heavy rain, 43mls but that would do a lot of good as it has been so warm the last few days.

Saturday 3 March 2012

Storm report

We did have fierce gusts of wind for several hours yesterday but there was no rain  and I feel that I can report that the storm passed us by. This morning is cloudy but we expect a sunny day.

Friday 2 March 2012

Stormy Weather

It is 9am as I write, the sky looks lighter with  the odd patch of blue. We had an inch of rain over night, just gently falling rain and we have so far missed the wind. It is blowing yes, but nothing out of the ordinary which makes us hope we have missed the worst.
The two clutchers of tiny quail that appeared this week would have little chance of surviving, we can only hope that at least some do.